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Travel Divas Blog

Tours in September

Our Top 6 Favorite Last-Minute Holiday Vacation Spots

Last Minute Holiday Vacation Ideas Stress of the holidays got you ready to just pack it up and head for the hills? Been there. But when you searched your favorite island on Google Flights, they wanted your whole retirement account just for a few days in paradise? Don’t sweat it! 

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Embrace the Motherland on a South African Tour

What could be more amazing than sprinkling your Black girl magic across the Motherland? … We can’t think of a better idea, either!  And that’s why we’re so hyped to be heading to this lush paradise on our next South African tour! We’ll be visiting the incredible countries of South

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The Helvetia & Bristol in Florence: A Black Girl Magic Overview

If you’ve never been to Florence before, let us just tell you this: it truly is every bit as wonderful as what you’ve seen on those Pinterest boards and Instagram reels. One of our favorite places to sprinkle Black girl magic, this Italian gem boasts magnificent medieval architecture, world-class art

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EQ night sky

The EQ Kuala Lumpur: A Black Girl Magic Overview

When the first words you see on a website are “the perfect place for a proposal,” then you know they’ve gotta come with the heat. Those are some bold words that require the sort of unforgettable, luxurious experience to back it up. And when you stay at the EQ Kuala

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Singapore - Travel Divas

7 Singapore Facts That’ll Make You Book a Flight ASAP

Sure, you’ve been to some pretty luxe destinations before. But Singapore? It’s on a whole ’nother level. For many, the movie Crazy Rich Asians was a first look inside this ultra-wealthy destination, but this city has always been on the cutting edge of luxury and opulence. See, Singapore is an

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Black Girl Magic – Parisian Style

The city of lights, of romance, croissants, desserts and designer bags. This world-famous city is the perfect spot for you to spread your wings and sprinkle your Black girl magic. No more living vicariously through social media timelines and the Real Housewives of wherever, it’s your turn to drench yourself

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