The Travel Divas Guide to Traveling Safely During COVID-19

It’s been a stressful year. And before any of this happened, you were already on the verge of needing a vacation. After all, you’re a boss chick who’s about her business. 

And with COVID-19, that business just got busier.

You’re feeling burnt out and ready to escape the world and take a break from the business, your career and constant news coverage about what’s going on in the world.

The only problem is, we’re still in the middle of a pandemic.

And while you KNOW there’s no way you can settle for yet another staycation, you’re still a little unsure if it’s a good time to fly or even what travel etiquette looks like with a contagious virus everywhere.

That’s why we put together a protocol guide to keep you safe, so you can stay healthy and lower the chances of you or someone else getting sick:

A happy female business traveler video chats as she waits for ride share to the airport. She is wearing a protective face mask as she travels during COVID-19.

Protocol #1: Check Yourself

Before you arrive to the airport or your destination, assess your health. How do you feel? Is your temperature normal? Do you have a fever? A cough? Is your sense of smell normal?

Don’t forget to monitor yourself prior to leaving to determine what normal feels like for you.

Protocol #2: Mask

Wearing a mask is the easiest way to prevent the spread of the virus. Wear it everywhere, even on the airplane, and change your mask every few hours. 

Dispose of single-use ones and wash reusable masks every night. 

Protocol #3: Sanitize

Use the hand sanitizer stations everywhere you go while on vacation. Remember to sanitize after touching frequent touch points such as elevator buttons, door handles, escalator rails, TV remotes and more. 

Don’t forget to sanitize your hotel room: TV remotes, doorknobs and more. 

Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds with soap and water, then rinse for 10 seconds. 

Try to keep your hands off your face as well. 

Bring personal bottles of hand sanitizer with you, as you may not have access to soap and water everywhere.

Protocol #4: Social Distance

Maintain at least 6 feet apart from people (other than your travel buddies) when possible. Follow any lines on the floor that indicate this. 

Protocol #5: Get Checked Out

If you’re not feeling well, get checked out. Many hotels/resorts have professionals onsite or can direct you to medical help.


Girlfriend, don’t let COVID-19 get in the way of a once-in-a-lifetime travel experience.

Give yourself the gift of a memorable, luxury travel experience. Ready to let your hair down and inject some excitement, self-care and fun into your life? Check out to find out how to do exactly that.

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