Travel Divas, Bring Your Bae!

Listen, while we’re all about curating unforgettable memories where you can spread your wings and sprinkle your Black girl magic around the world, the premium Travel Diva experience isn’t just for magical, excellent Black boss women like yourself.

We’re here for your boo thangs, too! You see, one of the most frequently asked questions we get is, “Can I bring my boo?” or “My husband wants to come … are men allowed?”

And the answer is yes, girlfriend!

You see, here at Travel Divas, we want you to forget about the stresses of your daily life and the hustle and bustle that’s required of so many Black women at work and at home.

While your happy place may be exploring a foreign city and meeting new folks, this doesn’t mean it can’t be with bae on the side. 

In fact, we know just how powerful, life-changing and relationship-strengthening traveling together can do for a power couple. That’s why we have several couples’ trips throughout the year, like this upcoming Couples Trips: MALDIVES,

But just because it isn’t a trip designed for you and your boo, doesn’t mean he can’t join! No matter if you’re bringing your best self, your best friend or your partner on the trip, you can rely on Travel Divas to ensure your experience is magical.

If you need some inspo, here are a few baecay spots we love:

Whether it’s Black girl magic, Black bae magic or Black boy magic … our main goals are to expand your mind, expose you to new cultures and remind you of your excellence, your worthiness and your magic.

Sprinkle your Black excellence and magic together right here:

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8 Responses

    1. Thank you for contacting Travel Divas!

      Yes, while our itineraries are not geared specifically towards kids, you are welcome to bring your children.

      We have had past attendees bring their child(ren).

      Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance. You can also contact us here:

      Thank you,
      Travel Divas

  1. Can a man come alone without having a female friend to escort him. I’m retired and I love traveling

    1. Morning Steven,

      Thank you for your inquiry.

      Absolutely, men are welcome on all of our trips!

      Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance,
      The Travel Divas

  2. Is this travel group open to all races are is it black focused only? Thinking of inviting friends for a bday trip but I don’t want to invite someone out of the message of the group if that’s a problem.

    1. Morning,

      Thank you for your inquiry!

      We welcome all races, nationalities, and genders on our trips. We have had women and men that are not persons of color on our trips and it is not a problem. Please feel free to invite all the friends that you would like and that want to book.

      Please let us know if we can be of any further assistance,
      The Travel Divas


Travel Divas is an award-winning, and premier, travel company that specializes in group travel management. Our concept is a unique one in that we create travel events around the world and host them ourselves.



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