There’s a reason why Marie Kondo’s way of tidying up her space is to find joy in the things around her: not only does it clear your mind, it opens you up for new experiences and connections – with others and yourself.
Your in-house Travel Diva Roxie thinks the same! There’s nothing I cherish more than kii-kiing with the girls and connecting with like-minded women. That is, except the opportunity to truly connect with myself.
It’s the ultimate form of self-care! Especially when you’re traveling solo.
As Black women, we’ve been taught to be so cautious growing up. It’s why the idea of traveling solo can often seem foreign to us.
But the benefits, girlfriend, far outweigh any of the concerns you might have. In fact, traveling solo is truly the best form of self-care you could ever give to yourself.
Here are 3 reasons why:
Increased Independence

Now, I know you’re already throwing your hands up like Bey told us to in that famous Destiny’s Child hit from the ‘00s, but independence isn’t just about being able to do everything on your own.
Sure, the bills, the house, the cars, the work – that counts. But true independence is having the freedom to do what you want when you want – and the confidence to do it without worry.
Solo travel forces you to rely on yourself in ways you might not have before in the past. After all, what better way to get confident about what you’re capable of when you’re in a foreign country all by yourself?
That doesn’t mean you can’t connect with or depend on others. But there’s truly nothing like knowing that no matter what – you’ve got your own back. Traveling solo strengthens your independence muscle.
If you ask me, it’s the “I” in “Black girl magic!”
Personal Growth

Solo travel is the perfect way to stretch yourself and blossom into the woman you want to be. Sometimes, when you’re doing all the things at home and at work, you can start to feel stagnant.
Travel can shake things up and plant a seed of growth inside you. You’ll become more open-minded and most importantly, softer to yourself. Solo travel can help you reconnect with parts of you that need a little TLC.

Have you ever been so caught up in what you have to do or where you have to be that you forget where you are?
And if you do have a moment of realizing you’re in the moment – do you judge it? Analyze it? And does that then take you out of the moment?
Solo travel can help you learn the mindfulness needed to truly savor a moment for exactly what it is. No thought. No judgment. No anxiety.
You’re simply in your body and letting your breath guide you along the way. With solo travel, you can have these moments multiple times a day. At a street-side cafe eating a freshly baked croissant. Ziplining over a dense, lush forest. Staring at the clear blue waters in the Caribbean.
In those moments, you can feel stress dissolving.
And that, Travel Diva, is the essence of self-care.
Let us show you how to do just that. Book your next solo trip with Travel Divas – we’ll take care of everything.