Hey, it’s your favorite Travel Diva Roxie again, and I’m back with some communication tips for group travel! If you’re wondering how to create meaningful connections and ensure you have the most *magical* Black girl time, communication is key!
Back home, before you packed your bag and passport and booked your trip, you were already working hard without playing hard.
Initiating Conversations

The hardest part of talking to new travel mates is often just starting a conversation! One of my favorite tricks is to acknowledge the awkwardness of it all as an icebreaker. It may feel scary to jump out of your comfort zone and initiate conversations with women you don’t know, but coming from a place of curiosity always helps.
While it’s important to ask questions, you also don’t want your conversations to feel like an interview. Layer in some of your own stories that are related to what your conversation partner is sharing.
When in doubt for how to get things rolling – compliments always work! Use that as a starting point, or even ask them how they found the Travel Divas community. Then – let it flow!
Listening Actively

Let’s be honest: when most people listen, they’re waiting their turn to speak. That never makes the other person feel heard or listened to. But Travel Divas don’t do that. One of the easiest ways to start a new friendship is to make the other person feel seen, paid attention to, and heard, and you can do that by actively listening. That means waiting until they’ve finished sharing their thoughts before responding, asking clarifying questions, and even pausing before answering, so you can truly reflect on what they shared. In other words – don’t interrupt!
Respecting Differences

One of the most wonderful parts about travel is the opportunity to meet others from all walks of life. You’re bound to do that when visiting a new country or even another area you’re not familiar with, but remember differences exist even within the group you’re traveling with.
No matter your beliefs, it’s important to hold space for others’ experiences and differences. What may be normal for you coming from Harlem, NYC may be different from someone who’s been living in Wisconsin for years, so be mindful of differences.
Be curious and ask about their individual experiences that may be different from yours, as it may lead to some stimulating conversations!
When it comes to communicating effectively while traveling with strangers, there are really only a few key concepts to remember:
Be curious, open and respectful.
Once that’s done consistently, you can easily make new connections and build community. Speaking of, if you’re wondering how you can build more of a community while traveling solo, you know your girl has sprinkled some magical tips in this blog post on how to do just that.