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Your Passport Is Your Ticket to Adventure

Meaningful connections with fellow magical Black women, the opportunity to explore new cultures, a moment to refill my self-care cup – there’s nothing Roxie enjoys more than the freedom of travel.

It’s truly something I cherish and don’t take for granted. Not everyone is able to travel freely, so knowing that I can hop on a plane to escape is something I’m eternally grateful for.

Every time I look at my passport, I see more than just a small book with pages and pages full of customs stamps:

I see freedom.

I see adventure.

I see endless possibilities.

In fact, you can consider it your ticket to adventure. Here are a few reasons why:

You Can Travel Internationally

More than just a ticket to adventure and a form of identification, a passport is a collection of memories. Every stamp is a reminder of your Black girl magic: that you worked hard, played even harder, and had the courage to do both.

You see, traveling is an act of bravery. Whether it’s with a group of women you know, a group of strangers, by yourself, or a mix of all the above, it takes guts and gravitas to literally step outside of your comfort zone and fly to a new destination where nothing is the same.

Every time you pick up your passport, remember that.

You Can Immerse Yourself in New Cultures

A Diva knows there’s more to life than what she knows – that’s why she prides herself on being well-versed and cultured. Your passport unlocks opportunities for you to immerse yourself in cultures you never would have been exposed to otherwise, except for in a book or in a YouTube video.

Getting to know how others live their lives can inspire you to live more freely and openly. In fact, chances are, if you’re traveling outside of the U.S., you’ll discover just how much hustle culture isn’t the be-all-end-all.

As a hard-working Black woman, it’s important for you to see that you deserve a soft life. That life – no matter its dilemmas – can be one full of joy … sunshine … clear waters … luxury.

Your passport is the ultimate luxury. Don’t forget to use it.

You can practice doing just that by booking a trip and letting us plan it all for you right behind this link.

Can’t wait to see what adventure you choose next!

How to Navigate Airport Security Like a Diva

Ooooh … hitting the TSA line’s got you feeling anxious? Your girl Roxie gets it.

If there’s one thing I used to hate about traveling, it was this part. That is until I figured out how to best avoid unnecessary delays and hassles at the airport. Now, I breeze through airport security like I own the place!

And once you follow the tips I’m about to share – you will too. I know you’re tight on time packing so let’s get straight into it:

Pack Liquids Properly

Getting stopped by airport security because your liquids and toiletries aren’t packed right can stop even the most prepared Diva in her tracks. First, decide if you’re doing carry-on only or if you’ll also be checking a bag.

If you’re doing carry-on only (or with a checked bag), make sure not to bring any flammable liquids. Everything should be under 3.4 oz (including the size of the container) and fit into a quart-size bag. If you’re checking luggage, you can pack full-size versions of your products. If you have a bottle of water filled up, make sure it’s frozen otherwise TSA will have to throw it away.  

Wear Slip-On Shoes

Have you seen how many people walk through the airport? Then you know the last place you want your feet to touch is the floor! When you’re going through security, you want ease of access AND comfort. The key? Get slip-on shoes. They can be mules, sneakers, or whatever your heart calls for – just make sure you can slip them on and off easily. Don’t forget a pair of socks or light stockings too to keep your feet away from the floor.

Organize All Your Documents

You know the moment: someone’s at the kiosk and the airport security agent needs to see their ID/passport/ticket and they’re holding up the line, digging in their bags and pockets. Don’t be that girl, Travel Diva! Get a cute Travel Divas document organizer (available in our store) and put all your important docs in there so you can whip them out with ease.  

Get Global Entry or TSA PreCheck®

Divas! If you have credit cards like American Express® Gold or Chase Sapphire® or even a travel card, they likely have special statement credits available for purchasing Global Entry or TSA PreCheck. I highly recommend one of these options (Global Entry also contains TSA PreCheck) so you can skip the long lines, keep your shoes on and protect your manicure, plus make it to your gate with plenty of time to spare.

Don’t forget to check the airport website at your destination for all their security tips, too.

Wondering what else you need to do to prepare for your next trip? If you’re heading out of the country, check out this list of essential items.