Ah … you smell that? That’s the sweet fragrance of new experiences in a foreign country. Everything is just … fresher. More alive. More vibrant.
At least that’s what your resident Travel Diva Roxie thinks! I don’t know about you but everything seems like it’s turned up a notch when you experience new cultures in a place you’ve never been before.
Something about it just tastes, feels, and smells like freedom. Or, maybe it’s just the smell of my passport! It’s truly a symbol of freedom, and I invite you to explore these reasons why:
It’s a Reminder You are Your Ancestors’ Wildest Dreams

Every time I look at this little book full of stamps, I’m reminded that it was our ancestors’ wildest dreams:
To be able to travel freely without being confined to a single space. Our ancestors didn’t have a choice in the matter but in 2023, we do and your passport is proof of that.
Not everyone is able to get a passport – so the only way they can explore new cultures is through the Internet or TV. Take a moment to be grateful for the privilege to be able to leave your home country to explore another.
It’s a Ticket to Worldwide Connection

Even before the internet gave us the opportunity to connect with folks from all over the world, a passport was your way to do it in real life. With a passport, you can visit far-flung cultures and people from all walks of life – with different religions, beliefs, traditions, and ways of being.
There’s something about being exposed to how others live that opens up your mindset. As magical Black women, we are always about our growth, and your passport affords you the freedom to flex those growth muscles in person with other cultures.
It’s a Way Out in Case of Emergencies

Every Travel Diva has seen a movie where someone needed to escape a dire situation in another country. When you have a passport, you have the option of not being stuck where you are. I wrote an entire blog post on this – tap this link to learn why a passport is a must-have for emergencies.